Newly assembled pocket gopher genomes can facilitate conservation management of biodiversity


Texas exhibits one of the richest levels of pocket gopher diversity in the United States. Three genera (Cratogeomys, Geomys, and Thomomys) and 11 species are found in Texas. It is not surprising given the diversity of the Texas landscape (ecoregions, life zones, substrates, and vegetation) that these species are further subdivided into 29 subspecies in Texas alone. Pocket gopher distributions are determined by availability of suitable soil types and therefore often occur in small, isolated populations. For some taxa, limited distribution and ultimately small deme sizes result in populations that may require attention from a regulatory and management perspective. For many Texas pocket gopher subspecies, insufficient information exists to make sound recommendations relative to conservation status and needs despite decades of research collecting and evaluating data based on morphometrics, distributions and habitat preferences, karyotypes, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA. As such, there is precedent for elevating pocket gopher subspecies to species after evaluation of available data, as well as subsuming subspecies into a broader taxonomic group. We used genomic techniques to identify genetically defined operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of pocket gophers to improve knowledge and understanding of pocket gopher distributions within the state. Using tens of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms, we determined the number of OTUs in each genus to be 5 for Thomomys bottae subspecies, 8 for Geomys species, and 5 for Cratogeomys castanops subspecies in Texas. In general, these data agree with current taxonomic hypotheses regarding Geomys and C. castanops; however, many T. bottae groups present similar genetic patterns that do not merit subspecies status based on these data, suggesting a more conservative classification of T. bottae in Texas and southeastern New Mexico that could facilitate conservation efforts, should they be necessary.

Journal of Mammalogy XX(X), XX-XX
Liliana M. Dávalos
Liliana M. Dávalos

I’m interested in biodiversity, both its past and its future.