
Human and bats genome robustness under COSMIC mutational signatures
Carcinogenesis is an evolutionary process, and mutations can fix the selected phenotypes in selective microenvironments. Both normal and neoplastic cells are robust to the mutational stressors in the microenvironment to the extent that secure their fitness. To test the robustness of genes under a range of mutagens, we developed a sequential mutation simulator, Sinabro, to simulate single base substitution under a given mutational process. Then, we developed a pipeline to measure the robustness of genes and cells under those mutagenesis processes. We discovered significant human genome robustness to the APOBEC mutational signature SBS2, which is associated with viral defense mechanisms and is implicated in cancer. Robustness evaluations across over 70,000 sequences against 41 signatures showed higher resilience under signatures predominantly causing C-to-T (G-to-A) mutations. Principal component analysis indicates the GC content at the codon’s wobble position significantly influences robustness, with increased resilience noted under transition mutations compared to transversions. Then, we tested our results in bats at extremes of the lifespan-to-mass relationship and found the long-lived bat is more robust to APOBEC than the short-lived one. By revealing APOBEC as the prime driver of robustness in the human (and other mammalian) genome, this work bolsters the key potential role of APOBECs in carcinogenesis, as well as evolved countermeasures to this innate mutagenic process. It also provides the baseline of the human and bat genome robustness under mutational processes associated with cancer.
The evolution of antimicrobial peptides in Chiroptera
High viral tolerance coupled with an extraordinary regulation of the immune response makes bats a great model to study host-pathogen evolution. Although many immune-related gene gains and losses have been previously reported in bats, important gene families such as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) remain understudied. We built an exhaustive bioinformatic pipeline targeting the major gene families of defensins and cathelicidins to explore AMP diversity and analyze their evolution and distribution across six bat families. A combination of manual and automated procedures identified 29 AMP families across queried species, with α-, β-defensins, and cathelicidins representing around 10% of AMP diversity. Gene duplications were inferred in both α-defensins, which were absent in five species, and three β-defensin gene subfamilies, but cathelicidins did not show significant shifts in gene family size and were absent in Anoura caudifer and the pteropodids. Based on lineage-specific gains and losses, we propose diet and diet-related microbiome evolution may determine the evolution of α- and β-defensins gene families and subfamilies. These results highlight the importance of building species-specific libraries for genome annotation in non-model organisms and shed light on possible drivers responsible for the rapid evolution of AMPs. By focusing on these understudied defenses, we provide a robust framework for explaining bat responses to pathogens.
Evolutionary potential of the monkeypox genome arising from interactions with human APOBEC3 enzymes
APOBEC3, an enzyme subfamily that plays a role in virus restriction by generating mutations at particular DNA motifs or mutational ‘hotspots’, can drive viral mutagenesis with host-specific preferential hotspot mutations contributing to pathogen variation. While previous analysis of viral genomes from the 2022 Mpox (formerly Monkeypox) disease outbreak has shown a high frequency of C>T mutations at TC motifs, suggesting recent mutations are human APOBEC3-mediated, how emerging monkeypox virus (MPXV) strains will evolve as a consequence of APOBEC3-mediated mutations remains unknown. By measuring hotspot under-representation, depletion at synonymous sites, and a combination of the two, we analyzed APOBEC3-driven evolution in human poxvirus genomes, finding varying hotspot under-representation patterns. While the native poxvirus molluscum contagiosum exhibits a signature consistent with extensive coevolution with human APOBEC3, including depletion of TC hotspots, variola virus shows an intermediate effect consistent with ongoing evolution at the time of eradication. MPXV, likely the result of recent zoonosis, showed many genes with more TC hotspots than expected by chance (over-representation) and fewer GC hotspots than expected (under-representation). These results suggest the MPXV genome: (1) may have evolved in a host with a particular APOBEC GC hotspot preference, (2) has inverted terminal repeat (ITR) regions—which may be exposed to APOBEC3 for longer during viral replication—and longer genes likely to evolve faster, and therefore (3) has a heightened potential for future human APOBEC3-meditated evolution as the virus spreads in the human population. Our predictions of MPXV mutational potential can both help guide future vaccine development and identification of putative drug targets and add urgency to the task of containing human Mpox disease transmission and uncovering the ecology of the virus in its reservoir host.
Reference-quality bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance
Bats carry viruses that can cause severe disease in other mammals. Asymptomatic infections in bats suggest limited tissue-damaging inflammation and immunopathology. To investigate the genomic basis of disease resistance, the Bat1K project generated reference-quality genomes of ten bat species. A systematic analysis showed that signatures of selection in immune genes are more prevalent in bats compared with other mammals. We found an excess of immune gene adaptations in the ancestral Chiroptera and many descending bat lineages, highlighting viral entry and detection factors, and regulators of antiviral and inflammatory responses. ISG15, an antiviral gene contributing to hyperinflammation during COVID-19, exhibits a deletion of a cysteine, required for homodimer formation, in rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats. Cellular infection experiments showed enhanced intracellular protein conjugation of bat ISG15 and lack of secretion into extracellular space, where human ISG15 stimulates inflammation. Our work highlights molecular mechanisms contributing to viral tolerance and disease resistance in bats.