Introducing: Climate Change in the Amazon Symposium

Image credit: Fulbright Colombia

Our symposium on Climate Change in the Amazon took place from 12:30-5 pm on December 6, 2024 at the IACS Conference Room. This symposium brings together six Fulbright Amazonia scholars whose work spans disciplines in human and economic geography, policy, and remote sensing, all focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Amazon. The symposium includes an Ask-Me-Anything lunch for students.

Explore more about the Fulbright Amazonia project

This Amazon-themed symposium will provide the SBU community with opportunities to engage with Fulbright Amazonia scholar during an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) lunch and lab visits. At the AMA, students will hear about each Fulbright Amazonia scholar’s unique career trajectory both inside and outside academia. Such experiences provide a key opportunity to engage with undergraduate students who seek to make a difference through research.

Meet the Fulbright Amazonia Scholars

We are an integrative science team. Learn more about our areas of expertise and research interests!


Time Speaker Topic
12:30 Fulbright Amazonia scholars & students AMA: Designing and completing an interdisciplinary project: Climate-related disasters in the Amazon
13:00 Fulbright Amazonia scholars & students Pizza Lunch
13:55 Lynch Opening remarks
14:00 Ribeiro Dissemination of scientific knowledge about climate change for extractivist communities in Acre, Brazil
14:20 Iñamagua Mitigating climate change through productive landscape design
14:40 Selaya Forest health at the Bolivia-Peru-Brazil triple border
15:00 Interactive panel: Q&A with speakers
15:15 Coffee Break
15:30 Alencar How vulnerable are Amazon protected areas?
15:50 Costa Options for forest restoration in Brazil
16:00 Dávalos Risks from criminal governance in the Amazon
16:30 Interactive panel: Q&A with speakers
16:45 Closing

Liliana M. Dávalos
Liliana M. Dávalos
Professor of Conservation Biology

I’m interested in biodiversity, both its past and its future.