Sanah Afzal

Sanah Afzal

Dimensions REU, 2015.

Stony Brook University

To be able to taste is one of the major five senses in any animal. Being able to taste food provides an animal with nutrition and it helps to protect them against things that could potentially cause harm. The first time I heard that a carnivorous bat could have a broken gene preventing them from tasting sweet things, I was fascinated. I started to question how and why this could occur. This sparked the birth of my research. My research project delves deeper into the inner workings of a gene called Tas1r2. This gene allows a bat to taste sweet things, which helps the bat recognize that it is eating foods rich with nutritious carbohydrates and proteins. The major objective of my project is to observe whether this gene is conserved or psuedogenized throughout various species of bats. My project divides the species of bats I wanted to analyze into two categories, carnivorous bats, and nectarivorous bats. My results will be analyzed helping me find the answers I desire. In the future, I want to become a lab researcher who focuses on genetics. This research is an amazing experience to attain these goals which makes me excited. I cannot wait for what the future holds.