Margarita Bartasunaite

Margarita Bartasunaite

Dimensions REU, 2015.

Stony Brook University

Hello, My name is Margarita and I am currently a Senior at John jay College majoring in Forensic Science; within the Molecular biology field. I am studying the Olfactory Receptor Olfr78 at the Davalos lab that has been found in Mus musculus. Homologs and orthologs in the gene have been found in 80+ different species. This gene is very fascinating in the sense that it is an olfactory gene, but it has also been found in the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys. The kidneys are a very fascinating organ because they differ within species and among different diets. I want to pursue the nephrological field in the future as a nephrologist, but I also want to continue research on the kidneys. Working on different bats will really give me a good base to begin my research career with. Bats are very fascinating animals with a wide range of species and having so much variety within the bat species really broadens the scope of research I can do. Research is a very important part of science and I would love to be a part of the new advancements in STEM and contribute my own findings to help the science community somehow.